Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just another day?

It is 11:56am on a Tuesday morning. I woke up, let Nala (our 6 month old german shepherd puppy) out, and did my normal routine which consists of taking my vitamins, eating a healthy breakfast, and getting prepared for work.
When I got to the office i was thinking about a great book I have been reading that talks about how we abuse information today. How we have phones and email interrupting our important work tasks all day long. It went on to talk about how being productive is not about checking your email 150 times a day, answering every phone call and having everyday be broken up by distraction. So...I am trying something new. In efforts to be more productive during my time I am changing just one thing. I am disabling the NEW EMAIL alert sound, and checking my email only 2 times a day. I am on day 3 of this experiment. I am learning how HARD to just say no to my urge to look at my email every 3 minutes. I knew discipline was hard, but this is beyond discipline.. its more like a change in lifestyle. Why am i writing this? I don't know. I am trying to keep up with my committment to blog.

Forever Films is on it's 2nd day with a new website. I can't help but be anxious to know if people like it... If you have had a look at the new site and like it, let me know. ForeverFilmStudios.com is the address. My email is Charles@EideCom.com I would love your feedback. But don't expect an immediate reply :)

If you are in Minnesota, Stay warm today.


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