Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Video is forever

 Living in Minnesota is so interesting. Just when I was getting used to the freezing cold, dry weather...it starts to warm up. I think the reason spring in Minnesota is so great is because we live in hibernation of 5 months and finally when the sun comes out, it is wonderful in contrast to the terrible traumatic winter we just had. When I let Nala (our German shepherd) out in the morning, I can now stand on the front step in a t-shirt for about 35 seconds now. In the winter I can not bear to stand by the open door, let alone step out to yell for the dog. Enough about winter. I talk about it a lot. Sorry.

This is Nala trying to get a drink of water in the tub.

Fun fact
Video production is my life. Forrester research says that you are 52% more likely to show up on google with video. I want you to leave a comment on the blog if you agree at all with this statement: everyone loves good video online. Just a thought.

Planning the wedding
On Sunday we were at the Minnesota Landscape arboretum in Chanhassen, MN (http://www.arboretum.umn.edu/weddings.aspx) for their wedding fair. I love wedding fairs because you meet so many people from ALL walks of life. Some are fun to talk with, some are NOT. It is so funny: the first question is "how much does it cost". I am not sure if that is just an instinct or what. Is price the MOST important part of your day? I mean i can make the price $1 and hand you a blank DVD...is that what you are looking for? I don't think so. We are looking for the couple that is searching for a company that will do things right, treat them well, and provide them with a final product that is PRICELESS. Imagine stumbling into your grandmothers attic and found their wedding video. Would it have a price? Would you sell it for spare cash on Ebay? I think when we are in the moment planning, and it is all about the dollar, we need to consider the future. When you put the venue and food at the top of the budget and video at the bottom, are your priorities in proper order? I would say no. People forget where you got married (without video). People forget the food (sometimes the most money is spent on the food). WHY? Because we live in the now and not the future. My suggestion is make your budget in proportion to importance. Book videography FIRST. Book Photography second. Then move on to the temporary details. I know I am biased, but doesn't it make sense?

New video to watch
So yesterday I sat down to edit Hillary and Nate's teaser. Mike and I went out and shot their footage last week at the Minneapolis sculpture garden. It was such a cool place to shoot a life video. It's funny because when you are there shooting, it does not seem all that great. I usually get back to the studio, start editing and think "wow that was cool!"
Anyhow have a watch at the final Teaser. The teaser is an opening to their life video that they will play at the reception of their wedding. EXCITING.

Watch and enjoy. If you know someone getting married, pass our name along. :)

See you soon!

forever films
videography that lasts forever

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